Proceeding south from the Trans Canada Trail, you will traverse Albion Hills Conservation Area and Duffy’s Lane through an interesting array of old fields, meadows, lowland cedar groves and mature upland maple forests. A side trail extends to the Highway 50 – Columbia Way intersection and on the Caledon Wellness Centre Parking lot. The main trail continues south through ancient climax Hemlock groves and crosses the Humber River in the Glasgow Road area. It winds along the river through downtown Bolton to Caledon-King Townline Road. Planning of the trail in King Township and Vaughan is proceeding.
Link to trail map:
Link to Points of Interest on the trail:
Region(s): Peel Region
Trail feature tags: Interpretive signage
Length: 15 km
Difficulty: Moderate (Trail classifications)
Trail surface: Natural
Trail use: Hiking
Accessibility Notes: Accessibility not known
Flora & Fauna:Not yet reported
Amenities: None reported
Attractions: Interpretive signage
Humber Valley Heritage Trail Assoc. Bolton Chapter P.O. Box 273, Bolton, ON, L7E 5T2
Find it: 16523 Humber Station Rd, Palgrave, ON. (Western trail head)